Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Anyway them new Jordans about to come out!

USC is at it again.

Not to be outdone by the football program and Reggie bush, basketball coach Tim Floyd bankrolled O.J. Mayo during his playing days on the hardwood at USC.

You have to think, if USC wasn't the media darlings of ESPN, and Mark May didn't constantly rub one off whenever picturing the Trojans doing battle at the Coliseum, would the NCAA had already punished USC for their transgressions. I'd like to think so.

The death penalty will never again be administered after the crater that is SMU was left in Dallas. However, some sort of sanctions should be levied upon the entire USC Athletic Department.

I'm sure everything will blow over and USC will once again be number 1 in the hearts of all ESPN analysts. Mark Sanchez will be throwing wild jacuzzi parties with Nick Lachey and the local JUCO girls. But I think the NCAA should at least put a watchful eye on this program. If any kid is walking around campus with a brand new pair of Jordans or the latest iPhone, there needs to be some questioning.

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