Tuesday, May 20, 2008

S.O.S. = SEC is Officially the Shit.

I came across a recent ranking of the ten most difficult schedules this coming season. The rankings were determined by the opponent's winning percentage.

Here were the results:

7.Ohio St.

Is is any surprise that 6 of the top 10 teams with the toughest schedule reside in the SEC. I hate when people say the SEC gets off by playing weak out of conference teams at home. My response: So what? We deserve the break from the rigorous in-conference schedule.

If SEC teams were in the Big Eleven, where we would have the luxury of playing Northwestern, Minnesota, Michigan St. or Iowa on any given week, then we would go out and find tougher out of conference teams to schedule. Instead we're stuck with the likes of LSU, Georgia, Florida, Auburn, Tennessee or Alabama on any given week.

The SEC is the toughest conference by far. I couldn't care less if they just played their 8 conference games and said to hell with the rest of the schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Ohio State in top 10? Here's they're schedule with a rank of the teams on a scale of 1-10:

    Youngstown State [2]
    Ohio [3]
    USC [10]
    Troy [5]
    Minnesota [5]
    Wisconsin [6]
    Purdue [5]
    Michigan State [6]
    Penn State [7]
    Northwestern [4]
    Illinois [7]
    Michigan [8]

    Total: 58

    Rankings of Kentucky [below OSU in SOS]

    Louisville [7]
    Norfolk State [2]
    Middle Tennessee [3]
    Western Kentucky [4]
    Alabama [8]
    South Carolina [7]
    Arkansas [7]
    Florida [10]
    Mississippi State [7]
    Georgia [10]
    Vanderbilt [5]
    Tennessee [7]

    Total: 77
    58 < 77

    Ummm, screw those percentages.
    Good post btw, but try 2 limit the language.

