Thursday, May 29, 2008

The weasel strikes again

Tommy Tuberville loves the rivalry between Auburn and Alabama. He has every reason to. The fact that his Tigers have dominated the Crimson Tide recently has earned Tuberville quite a few bucks.

Recently Tuberville took a goodwill tour in the Middle East with several other prominent coaches (and the Yale football coach for some ungodly reason.) While "over there" Tuberville participated in a 7-on-7 scrimmage. After the game was over, one of the servicemen jokingly asked Tuberville to give Alabama fans the "seven finger salute." This of course is because Auburn is looking to defeat Alabama for the seventh straight year.

Tuberville obliged the young man, and was snapped doing this:

This isn't the first time Tuberville has mocked his in-state rivals. After beating Alabama for the fourth straight time, he walked off the field holding four fingers into the air. The next year, Tuberville was seen waring a shirt that had the words, "Fear The Thumb" on it.

I'm pretty sure most Alabama fans aren't all that upset about this. They are so used to losing in the annual Auburn handing Alabama's Own Ass to Them Bowl (formerly known as the Iron Bowl) that it has become second nature to them. It's like breathing, or mating with their Aunt's.

Alabama will be much improved this season, but Tuberville might look like a prophet after Auburn murks John Parker Wilson and crew this year.

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