Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuberville Q&A

Thanks to the good 'ol rednecks at, here is an interview with head redneck in charge, Tommy Tuberville. The 19 early commitments is by far the most at this time for Auburn. What prompted all these early verbals?
Tuberville: Well, I think it's a combination of a lot of things. For one we have more money o throw at the recruits. I mean, how is someone going to turn that down? Also, what kid would pass up a chance to frequently bang an Auburn co-ed? I know I've been there plenty of times. It's fantastic! We're gonna beat Bama again this year. Does having two new coordinators, Paul Rhoads - who is from the North where the early commitment trend started - and Tony Franklin - who is very decisive - play a role in the early commitments?
Tuberville: No. I'm the only man that matters around here, so it's all my doing. We're gonna beat Bama again this year. Explain your evaluation process in offering a prospect.
Tuberville: If he's capable of running the ball, we'll take him. I also have to take into account how easy it will be to fix his transcripts so he will get accepted into college. A lot of high schools have made that very difficult now. We're gonna beat Bama again this year. Looking at the class now, are there any positions that need to be concentrated on over the next six months?
Tuberville: We're gonna beat Bama again this year. How is your health coming off of surgery?
Tuberville: Well I'm a little sore to tell you the truth. The doctor said it's always a little awkward to come back from penile reduction surgery. Hopefully, I will make a full recovery so I can get back to those Auburn co-eds we talked about. We're gonna beat Bama again this year. How much longer do you plan on coaching at Auburn?
Tuberville: I plan on coaching until we lose a game to Bama. Since that doesn't look too likely to happen any time soon, I may end up coaching until I die. Nick Saban is a douche.

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