I've said it time and again, there's no college in America that can compete with Ole Miss when it comes to hot ass bitches!
I hope you Gator fans at the game savor every moment of this week. It's not often you're treated to better looking women than we have at the good 'ol U of F.
Since I myself have limited experience with dealing with the flesh lettuce that flocks down from Oxford, I thought I would share with you guys what you have to look forward to. Many thanks to Poon of the SEC for most of the pics.
I pray to god my wife doesn't start reading my blog this week.
When out on the town the night before the game, try to find a pack of hot Ole Miss coeds enjoying the local eateries. Here's what you might look for:

If that doesn't soothe your bearded chalupa fix, try looking for some Ole Miss females at one of the many bars along University Avenue. They will probably be traveling in packs a lot like this one:

Hell, you might even get lucky enough to spot some Ole Miss chicks that are in to dress up and role play:

So you don't get to see any Ole Miss whisker biscuits the night before the game. Have no fear, they know how to tailgate in Oxford:

If older poon tang is your thang, Ole Miss has that too. Just look for the hot MILF's wearing red and drinking a Diet Coke. Like so:

Some Rebel cheerleader action for ya:

And finally, if there were one word to sum up the females at Ole Miss it would be, Fucking AWESOME!

That diet coke sippin "MILF" you put up there is Eli Manning's wife. No, I'm not lying.