Thursday, November 6, 2008

Heisman Watch

I took a week off from my Heisman watch to focus strictly on the WLOCP. Now I'm back and better than ever! The Big XII is still dominating this list. Non-BCS players are stepping their up however. Who's to say a Nate Davis or Chase Clement can't win.

I'm a little high on cough syrup right now, so here's an abbreviated edition of my Heisman Watch.

1. Graham Harrell - Texas Tech QB

Season Stats
292-413 3,621 yards 30 tds 5 ints

2. Colt McCoy- Texas QB

Season Stats

218-276 2,579 yards 23 tds 5 ints
93 428 yards 7 tds

3. Dez Bryant - Oklahoma St. WR

Season Stats
60 recs 1,054 yards 15 tds

4. Sam Bradford - Oklahoma QB

Season Stats
202-297 3,086 yards 34 tds 6 ints

5. Tim Tebow- Florida QB

Season Stats

114-177 1,569 yards 14 tds 2 ints

94 266 yards 8 tds

The Next Five:
  1. Javon Ringer Michigan St. RB
  2. Michael Crabtree Texas Tech WR
  3. Chase Clement Rice QB
  4. Jarett Dillard Rice WR
  5. Nate Davis Ball St. QB

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