Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Where were you?

Even though I was completely trashed, and had just finished ruining everyone's shit on the beer pong table. I remember this play so vividly, I still get all giddy inside when thinking about it:

The "Cock Block" saved the Gators' 2006 championship season. Of course, last year the Gators left no doubt as they completely dismantled the Gamecocks. Who knows which type of game we'll get this week. I know one thing will stay the same, me being hammered....


  1. I was sitting in the theatre room of my bosses house, trying to avoid a heart attack...

    It was a sad, desperate place I was in seconds before that kick, as I was pissed at Machen for shitting on Spurrier to get Meyer...

    The single pay didn't entirely repair the psychological damage, but let's just say I'm 100% behind Meyer now.

  2. If Jarvis Moss had only been suspended for the drug possession that game, instead of waiting till you played Western Carolina. I still can't believe he block two freaking FG's that game.

  3. In the stands even w/ the line of scrimmage. The only game we could make that season and it's one of the most memorable.
