Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"Y'all put that down. Tim Tebow is going down this week . . . he's going down this week."

Ahhh! The quote heard around Gator Nation. The sad thing is, Mr. Geno Hayes was actually a good football player prior to this comment. Of course, he completely disappeared against Tebow and the Gators.

This may have been the biggest example of words coming back to bite you in the ass in the history of mankind.

The funny thing is, most Seminole fans really believed this douchebag of an idiot.

In fact when Tebow and Hayes got into on the first drive, all the FSU fans around me began whooping and hollering like the bunch of slack jawed retard hillbillies that they are. Of course, the very next play, Tebow bulldozed a couple of Seminoles to convert a first down.

And we all know how the drive turned out....

Unfortunately there's no pansy ass Geno Hayes this year to make some ridiculous ass statement. However, I'm sure there's some shit for brains on the Seminole squad that will say something to fire Mr. Timmy up.

I'll be doing a preview on the game either tomorrow or Friday, so just replay the above highlight over and over until then.

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