Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gator Close-Up: Jordan Reed

This will be the first of many Gator profiles throughout the season. Since everyone else focuses on the stars of the team, there's no need for me to recount their tales here. Instead I will be profiling the lesser known players of the greatest team on Earth.

Jordan Reed. Half man. Half Cadillac.

The only question is; Which model of Cadillac? Reed has the capability of being an Escalade. He can own the lane a la the current Gator QB. It's easy to picture Reed straight running over defenders and pushing them aside like they were Jamie Robinson. Reed could also end up like a Cimarron. A granny driven piece of trash that was once billed as a can't miss hit. In other words, he could end up like this guy.

Reed was ranked the number 10 QB in the nation coming out of the recruiting hotbed of New London, CT. Many recruiting "experts" billed this kid as the next Jamarcus Russell. That is if Russell were to give up the drive to Krispy Kreme at 4 in the morning. The comparisons to Russell mainly resulted from the physical stature of Reed. He is a biggun. And he has a gun. Jordan was the second freshman to lose his stripe this season after taking on a defensive linemen in the circle of life after practice.

It is rumored Reed called the doomed d-linemen out. He then gave the linemen the first hit. Reed just stood there and allowed the so called football player to charge at him full on. The rest of the story is blurry, but depending on which account you want to believe, the defender either ran straight into Reed and fell straight to the ground in a bloody, crying pile of waste; or he was so fear stricken by the deathly stare of Reed that he stopped dead in his tracks and ran straight off the playing field.

I tend to believe the latter. Especially when you hear the linemen quite possible could have been Torrey Davis. The same Torrey Davis that is no longer on the team. Coincidence? Or willed by Mr. Reed?

Jordan Reed preparing to trounce on the spine of an unsuspecting kid.

At 6'3" 230, Reed certainly could step in if both Tebow and back-up John Brantley were to be injured in some cataclysmic scooter accident along Gale Lemerand Drive. With the talent on the offensive side of the ball, the Gators might not miss too many beats with Reed in the pocket.

Reed ruining Connecticut high school football's shit.

All this good stuff aside, the season would be a horrible, fiery disaster if Jordan Reed were to see the green of Florida Field at any point this season. The good news is, Florida's back-up QB slot will be in good hands for the next few years.

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