If you're like me, you're totally awesome and your shit doesn't stink. Also, you like a good helmet design. I was looking through some old helmets and I accumulated my all-time favorite college football helmets.
I left the Gators off because even though I feel their helmet is the greatest ever I know I am blinded by bias. So enjoy this list and petition the schools involved to revert back to some of the old styles.
These are in no particular order.

I hate Notre Dame, and I really don't like Irish people, but even I know this helmet design kicks total ass. Notre Dame stopped sucking from 1959-1962 to wear these helmets. I'm sure they changed back because all of the pansy ass traditionalists wanted to switch back to the plain boring gold design.

I still don't like Auburn, and I still think their logo is weak. But that orange face mask with the lighter shade of blue stripe makes the helmet design pretty sweet.

Hawaii may have had one of the worse nicknames ever with the Rainbow Warriors, but that didn't stop them from sporting this sweet ass helmet design from 1978-1981. Yeah there's a rainbow on the helmet, which should never be allowed in football, but hey, it was the 70's.

Virginia rocked the shit out of this helmet design from 1982-1983. Personally I don't see how something this awesome only lasted 2 years. The state of Virginia always produces some top-notch uniformage (yeah I just made that word up but it's a pretty bad-ass word, I'm on the phone with Webster's now.) The Virginia Squires have one of my all-time favorite basketball uniforms and the Washington Redskins throwbacks were sweet, that is until the Seminoles absolutely jacked their idea. Bitches....

Long Beach State's football program is now defunct. Clearly it wasn't because of these shit-handling helmets. This design was worn from 1986-1991. I might be a little partial to this design because I'm a San Francisco 49ers fan. I think the NFL 'Niners should change their color schemes and switch to these bad boys.

Growing up in Louisiana I always wanted to go to Grambling. It was mainly because of their helmets and uniforms. Black, Red and Yellow?! That is some hardcore gangsternator shit. Of course all my hopes and dreams of attending Grambling were crushed when my dad informed me it was a historically black school and I was not black. Both came as devastating blows to my aspirations.

Eastern Michigan sported this helmet design from 1967-1975. The then Eastern Michigan AD felt that the helmets were too awesome for the schools shitty on-field performance. He therefore retired this design in favor of the boring ass logo that was to define the program from there on out. I really don't know what the design on this helmet is. It looks like a picture riddle. If you look at it like this it's an E. However, when you turn the helmet (or when an EMU player was knocked on his ass) the design suddenly became a M. Clever.

The Memphis Tigers wore this helmet during the 1988 and 1989 seasons. I really don't know why I like this helmet that much. I think it's because it looks like a design I could come up with. When I was younger, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers had a contest to create their new unis. I made a helmet that looked like this except there was a T instead of a Tiger. I got a letter from the NFL saying my design was too good to be ruined by being placed on the side of some jackass Buccaneer player's head. My draft is now in the Smithsonian at the weapons of mass destruction exhibit.

All of my friend's hated this helmet design when the Aztecs unveiled it in 2002. I think it's a good design. I like how the black fades into the red of the helmet. It's too bad San Diego St. had to compete with the all time greatest football unis, the powder blue Chargers, because this design was overlooked.

I'm not too big on the traditional plain helmet designs. However, Washington's helmet is my favorite current helmet in college football. The purple W on top of the gold paint just looks fresh. That's fresh in a pimp kinda way.

Louisiana-Lafayette groin kicked the competition in the late 80's to mid 90's with this helmet design. Of course, back then the program was known as Southwestern Louisiana. I'm a little partial to this helmet because I'm Cajun. Everyone knows about the Irish football team, few know about the Cajun one. I don't like the fact that ULL added the Ragin' to their helmet. This implies that Cajuns can't spell and are always pissed off. These are both true for the most part, but I just don't like it being implied by a helmet.

Richmond used this script design from 1989-1994. The Spiders now rock possibly one of the worse helmets in CFB with that stupid little spider design. This script design was pretty cool because it make you think,
If a spider could write, I bet he would write like that.
For more helmet design check this out
Although I hate to admit it [and so do you], the Gators have the UGLIEST helmets in college football. The word GATORS in cursive just doesn't cut it.
Agreed. There is so much more that we can do with a nickname like "Gators". The orange and blue color scheme sort of hinders this though.
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