There are two types of people in this world, Beatles people and Elvis people. - Mia, Pulp Fiction 1994.
Good 'ol Coke snortin' Mia was up to something when she uttered those words to a bloated John Travolta in one of the greatest movies ever made. 15 years later, this quote needs to be ammended somewhat. You see, nowadays there are still only two kinds of people in the world: Those who like and respect Tebow, and douchebags.
With Tebow's recent injury, the divide has become clearer than ever between the two camps. I have always known of the strong anti-Tebow movement in the country today. I have always been kind enough to respectfully disagree with their position on the matter and move on in the past. However, these people have become ever more vocal after Tebow's injury which is what makes their group known collectively as the douchebags.
These baggers are quick to point out that Tebow is a product of a system, is a mediocre QB, only scores from the 1 yard line, is surrounded by NFL talent at every position, has an uncanny relationship with Coach Urb, is shoved down our throats by the media conglomerate. As I said, in the past I just shrugged these comments off. Now, I guess you can call me kind of jaded. I'm a little fed up with these morons. They always seem to forget the actual stats and performances that point to Tebow's greatness.
I decided to search around the internet and gather the comment I could find both good and bad from all of Florida's rival fan bases in response to Tebow's injury. There are representatives from Tennessee, LSU, Georgia, Ohio St., Florida St. and many more.
For your convenience, I've separated them into two groups. Also, I decided not to post the thousands of redundant posts by the douchebag contingent that went along the lines of, "The Gaytors suck! Teblow got what he deserved! Gayturds are going down! Urban Crier sucks Teblow's cock!." There was a surprising amount of these posts.....
The Good
Gator fans, I feel for you. I'm not a big fan of any team from Florida but this kid is an absolute class act. Hope he gets well soon. - zorich88 espn.com (Notre Dame fan)
Why is everyone bashing Tebow on here? he has done more for college football than (Pat) White and (Vince) Young combined...he plays with more heart than anyone out there...he doesn't trash talk before the game...even though he's the only one that has really earned the rite as a player...no one in the game has done what he has both professionally and domestically...hes a good guy. - keenan1990 espn.com (allegiance unknown)
Im a Bama fan but I will say that Tebow has class (more players in NCAA should have such class). I hope that he recovers quickly. - CapnB SI.com
As much as I dislike him as the Gator QB, I think he's a fine young man with good Christian values. - Cooleyvol volnation.com
When I saw him laying there, obviously knocked out cold, I was extremely concerned for Tebow. I know everyone outside of Gator Nation gets sick and tired of hearing about "superman", there is NOWAY that any of us (at least the REAL college football fans) wish him any kind of injury. Tebow is a great human being and one of the best college players of all time. - BuckeyeVols volnation.com
Gator fans, here's to a quick recovery to one of the most passionate and best leaders to ever play the game of football. As a note, I have come to admire and at the same time despise Timmy. You admire his leadership qualities and determination, but at the same time want to see him lose if hes not on your team...Some of you need to do a little soul searching if you are wishing death or injury because of a football game. - Nole55 rivals.com
I don't know why, but I have the tendency to not like very many really good players form other teams. However, Tebow is a guy that almost makes you like him with his style of play, attitude, and the way he acts off the field as well. - tiger_rag rivals.vom
I'm no Tebow fan, but how can ANYONE hate him? I repset him, greatly, and I wish him a swift recovery. - Seven Heismans rivals.com (USC fan)
...As a side note, even with the ineptitude our team displayed I did take some satisfaction in knowing that I witnessed seeing arguably the best college football player in a long, long time. - Sam K wildcatnation.com
...NOTHING about sports should have fans so whipped up into hatred for the other team that they want a guy seriously injured...especially a class act like Tim Tebow. We need more not fewer Tim Tebows in this world. - Dr. H Lecter wildcatnation.com
Now time for the douchebags. You're warned before you read this can get vulgar and pretty idiotic....
He will go down as the most overrated qb in college football history. If hes the greatest qb ever then why won't he be the 1st player drafted in april? Because he's not a qb, he's a system player. - lazarre11 espn.com (village idiot)
This isn't 1950!!! He's not Ghandi!!! This is 2009 and in these days there will never, and i mean NEVER have one person go to other countries and make a "change" or "difference". If Tebow wants to do something good, do it in this country, not in some third world country where no one gives a flying fuuuuck about the USA! Tebow=loser! - jsanders78 espn.com (avid isolationist)
i pray he's gone for the season - ga82 SI.com (The smartest Georgia fan in the world)
Thats what having a Douche bag of a coach will get ya...can't believe Timmy t went down...thought he was superman! - bigorange#1 volnation.com (Secret identity of Lane Kiffin)
This just adds to the drama! Of course he was already sick, right? Someone change his feminine hygiene product in the ambulance and move on... - DawgnLA dawgs.com (funniest man alive)
I'm glad Tebow wasnt paralyzed or severly hurt. I do, however, hope he plays again, and here is why. I am not sold on his abilities at quarterback. He has the best supporting cast in college football. Who knows how many athletes could step in his spot and achieve similar results. For sure, the director of propaganda at UF deseves a pat on the back....Besides, he wears jean shorts! BubmcUGA dawgs.com (World-renowned Fashionista)
A sensible Tebow thread is still a Tebow thread Love him or Hate him ESPN will hype someone else you will be forced to move on. I am so glad ESPN has chosen Barkley to be the next Tebow hoever deserving/undeserving he maybe so that the Gators can get a taste of what the rest of the country is going thru for the next 3 years. - Trojanlaker rivals.com (Stuck in 2002)
I cheered when he got hit. I cheered when he went down. I high fived numerous people when he didn't get up. And I'm still cheering on the inside today. I'm sick and tired of St. Tebow...You are darn right I cheered. I'd do it again, and again, and again, if I had the chance. -Copland wildcatnation.com (Karma's next victim)
Gay as frick and not his kid. Tebow is $$$$$ in Urban's eyes. it was more like a broker watching his stock dro. fricking douche gator fags. - jfortenberrylsu tigerdroppings.com (LSU intellectual)
You Gaytor fans are delusional. Wait till next year when Tebow is gone. RedShirt tigerdrtopings.com (displaced Buffalo Bills fan)
Tebow should go back to playing with kids weiners as a missonary because he's a pansie -
Jon Logan facebook.com (Jealous that he's not circumcized)
boo fucking hoo tebow is hurt big deal I wish the fag was crippled so everyone would snap outta their little fantasy of him being just the "greatest person in the world" fuck him and hope he gets fucked up in the NFL....GO FSU - Bret Yelvington facebook.com (Upset his team can't beat USF)
tebow isnt the greatest player of all time. oh and 4 all the UF fans on here, you dont win chamionships, in fact u dont even have a history before spurrios. ur not even the best in fla. u have 3. miami has 5. in fact you rank 21st for championships, congrats on your 4 years of success. keep drinking your tebow kool-aid. you guys suck. - Adam Indermuehle facebook.com (The bestest math man in the world! Congrats Adam)
For what it's worth, there were more good comments on the message boards than bad ones. Except for Georgia forums. Dawg fans were overwhelmingly on the douche side. LSU fans were probably the next worse. Kentucky, and surprisingly, Tennessee fans were probably the most respectful.
1 comment:
Anybody who has to talk gay smack has the mentality of a kindergarten kid. Take those imbeciles for what they're worth.
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